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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mike Waxx Of Chops It Up With BFochs!

BFochs: What's good Mr. Waxx? Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview. What's happenin'? How's life treatin' ya?

Mike Waxx: Life's been great... busy as hell, but that's always a good thing...and yourself?

BFochs: I can't complain, the e-grind never ends as I'm sure you are well aware of. For those knuckleheads out there that haven't familiarized themselves with your site and your movement why don't you give the kind folks a formal intro.

Mike Waxx: illroots is the blog your friend with all the hip-hop hookups goes to, but won't tell you about. We pride ourselves in bringing quality hip-hop to the fans and showcasing new, dope, talent. We also try to stray from most blogs by having original content such as mixtapes, interviews, videos, and more.

BFochs: You stand out as perhaps one of the most original blogs on the web. Since your on your 'original steez' heavy, why don't you give the folks your definition of 'originality' What does originality mean to you?

Mike Waxx: Originality is simple. Do your own thing. do what you know. Don't try and talk about things your not familiar with, even if other people are. Everything is poluted as it is with people doing the same thing, so even if you need to work at it, try to think outside the box...but dont try too hard!! Then you come off as a cunt.

BFochs: Real talk alert folks, he just set off the real talk meter [laughs] Your site, has done so well that you got a 2009 Southern Entertainment Award nomination for it. Congratulations on that big achievement mane. How did it feel to receive the nomination?

Mike Waxx: Oh that was dopeeee. I remember we made a post asking for people to nominate us, and when I got the word that we made it I completely forgot we were even trying for the nomination haha. It was crazy, I remember a year ago bigging up everyone I knew that was nominated. Little did I know the following year we'd be the ones receiving the congratulations. It's great though. we're hononred. dont forget to vote too!!! haha [CLICK HERE TO VOTE ILLROOTS FOR BEST ONLINE MAGAZINE @ THE 2009 SEA'S NOW!]

BFochs: You heard the man people! VOTE DAMNIT! lol. The name of the site alone is worth a vote in my opinion. How did you even come up with such a wavy name like 'illroots'?

Mike Waxx: All credit goes to Kinggs on that one. The name is key because it's the first thing people associate what you are with. We started the site around January 2007, so him and I were just spitting ideas back and forth. We wanted it to represent the ideal vision of hip-hop, so we figured illroots was the way to go. Kinggs is the guy who pretty much comes up with the titles for everything. He's nice with the titles..and that's pretty much all he's nice at. I'm playing!!!

BFochs: Lol, illroots is a dope name, it is definitely a very brandable title. With the original content you guys make comes the making of exclusive illroots tapes. I just seen a MF Doom one out recently I believe, the one you collaborated with Mr. X/Dub Floyd on as well. What other tapes are out now that the folks can peep and what ones will you guys be cooking up in the future?

Mike Waxx: Oh man. I can't speak too much on the future projects, but let's just say it's only going to get better. I can say that Shake and i are going to be holding a "2DopeBoyz vs. illRoots" mixtape sometime in the future, and that's going to be crazy. My man Hallway has been grinding heavily on the tapes too. In two days he worked on putting out 3 mixtapes. One with Black Element and Dub Floyd, one with Fly Union and Mick Boogie, and another with Wildabeast, Mick Boogie and terry Urban. I am also now working on artist mixtapes with many dope rappers. I'm working on a project with DJ Vadim and Jabee, one with Nero, one with Stik Figa, many more J. Rocwell tapes.. I can't even begin to explain. Just know that the mixtapes will be getting more and more serious as time progresses.

BFochs: Damn, you have a full plate in terms of the tapes you will be putting together it seems. Let's say you could interview/work/do whatever with ANY artist, but just one. Who would it be and why?

Mike Waxx: Shoot, lemme think lol.

BFochs: Take your time my man, no hurry, I would rather have a thorough answer than just some random one lol.

Mike Waxx: No doubt, I can relate. See my interview with Milk Dee. It's hard to pick one, but I'm going to have to say Kanye West. If anyone knows me they know I'm a Kanye stan haha. I don't know, I just love what he's doing for the game and the quality work he puts out. Him or Rakim...or Biz Markie...or Doom!. I want to at least meet Biz Markie at some point in my life. no real reason why, just do.

BFochs: Biz Markie is dat dude, I heard he is a really ill DJ, Will the world ever seen an illroots DJ squad? Will Mr. Waxx ever be gettin' busy on the 1's and 2's?

Mike Waxx: Haha at some point, sure. We actually have a sort of DJ team. Me, DJ Nice, Dub Floyd and a few others are all working hard bringing that illroots name to the mainstream. Shouts to Mick Boogie as well.

BFochs: That's what's up, DJ clicks beware, the illroots DJ crew is on the come up! You have been doing the damn thing for quite some time now on the e-streets so I'm sure you have encountered some internet gangstas and e-thugs. What is your policy on this phenomenon of the 21st century known as 'the internet gangsta'?

Mike Waxx: Hahaha. Funny story actually, some dude was claiming to have a Mike Waxx diss song in the infamous illroots chat box. Sadly, the track never surfaced. If buddy is reading this, please send me it! i'd love to post it up and what not. Haha, but in all seriousness, I love e-thugs. They're funny to me. Everyone has a little one inside of them, pause. The internet would be far less entertaining without them. Embrace the hate, yadadadadadasayin'?

BFochs: YEEEEEEEEEEEH!I dig that with a shovel my friend, ok it's time to get sick wit it, time for some off the dome hypothetical questions lol. I'm going to just drop some nutty ass questions and we'll see what answers you come up with, first question. If illroots was a porn, what genre of porn would it be? Lmao.

Mike Waxx: Lmao. Hmm...probably bondage, cause we got the game on lock!!!!!

BFochs: Owwwwww (word to Max B) Ok, next one. Let's say Burger King was so down with Mike Waxx and iloots they wanted to make the illrootsburger. What would we find on that illrootsburger?

Mike Waxx: Hmm... swedish fish, chocolate chips, salmon, cotton candy and mac and cheese. and tomatoes.

BFochs: That perhaps would be the most gully burger in the world, Illrootsburger>Double Whopper, ya, I went there lol. Ok last crazy hypothetical question then we can get this thing wrapped up. Let's say Marty McFly and the good Doc from Back II The Future hit you up on the celly and said "Ayo, Waxx, we are going back to the future, you want to go on a illroots promo run in the 1700s?" How would you market your site to a bunch of people that know nothing about the advanced techology of today's day and age?

Mike Waxx: all honesty, I would probably lie to them and say they can get free illrootsburger's or something. Gotta get that hit game up, you know?

BFochs: I smell what your steppin' in, you gotta get that ish poppin' hardbody. Any shoutouts, last words or comments for the BBB viewers and the e-streets?

Mike Waxx: First and Foremost, shouts to for holding me down in my first ever interview, it was fun. Also, I wanna shout out Kinggs, Hallway Jay, Paralex, 4five, Funk D, Maza, J.Rocwell, PDA, DJ Nice, Dub Floyd, Hannibal King, Jabee, everyone else in my top friends on myspace, my parents, my brother, god, all of the other blogs holding the internet down, everyone I forgot, and you for actually giving 2 shits to read all this haha. If you wanna get in touch with me, or! big things coming, I promise!!!!

BFochs: Thank you once again sir for taking time to chop it up with Fochsamus Prime, I wish the best for you and your regime in the future in anything you do.

Mike Waxx: Likewise, thanks a ton.



  1. hahaha
    dope interview
    "most gully burger ever"
    i agree

  2. "Embrace the hate"

    Love it.
    Crazy interview, bigups bfochs for holding down my boy.
