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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears? The Lack Of Effort Artists Are Putting Into Their Music!!!

Hello hello, back for this evening for a good ole "Grind My Gears," post. I know everyone that has at least some knowledge of music can relate to this one, hopefully...the lack of effort artists are putting into their music these days REALLY grinds my gears...

The quality of music is not where it was in Hip Hop/Rap, that's for damn sure. Swagburglaring is at an all time high. Artists steal song concepts from each, styles, lingo, all that stuff, how hard is it to be original nowadays? Honestly lol, you don't have to be the most creative person that ever walked the earth lol, but do you, don't do someone else, that's not what's crackin'. Also, the effort with videos is decreasing, I know money is getting more scarce, in the industry, but with a little creativity you can crank out a dope video with a low budget, it can be done...

Recyclin' verses/bars/etc really makes me angry, there's plenty of ways to express yourself, you don't have to say the same exact thing as another artist, it's uncalled for! Lol...I REALLY hate when you hear those recylced beats for singles, mostly mainstream artists, I know they say 'if it isn't broke, don't fix it', but if you don't change it a little bit it will break! Please just be as original as you can artists, hearing the same stuff is wack, and that decreases the value of the whole damn genre gotdamnit!...not cool....

Don't get it twisted, there are artists who aren't being wack and not putting effort into their music, but the wack out way the good!...STOP IT! TRY DAMN IT TRY!!!...


  1. You have succeeded in pissin me off before I go to bed. The words "swag" and "gucci" make me physically fuckin sick. Recycling another artists (and I use that term LOOSELY!)shit...makes me wanna jump in the lake in January.

  2. 'makes me wanna jump in the lake in January' lolol, classic! I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this stuff, sometimes I wonder if people are even paying attention to what's going on in music...sheesh :\
